Who does Course Ratings?
Golfers like you who volunteer with the Kentucky Golf Association under the authority of The R&A and the United States Golf Association (USGA).
How do I get involved?
Fill out the Volunteer Registration Form at this link: Course Rater Volunteer Form
You may also call the KGA office at (502) 912-9606 and let them know you want to be a Course Rater.
Why do people volunteer?
Most volunteers are avid golfers who value the opportunity to give something back to the game they love. Others do it for the opportunity to play golf courses they might not see otherwise. Some just like learning how course rating and the World Handicap System™ work. Finally, there is camaraderie among team members that many raters look forward to.
What skills are required?
Golfing skill is not required although familiarity with the game helps. Most important is the ability to learn the Course Rating System™ and have the analytical inclination and the process orientation to apply the methodology on the course. It is a number-oriented process.
How much time is required?
Rating typically takes a full day during the week (Note: course ratings will not take place on weekend days). You’ll work with a team of raters in the morning to rate the course. Depending on volunteer availability, most often you’ll rate nine holes, but sometimes eighteen holes is expected. After a lunch usually supplied by the club, you’ll play the entire course. Playing the course is an integral part of the rating process. It allows you a second look at the course. It is not uncommon for players to notice something they missed while touring the course in rater mode.
How many ratings can I do?
KGA may rate as many as twenty to thirty courses per year state-wide. Raters can make their own schedule. A minimum of six ratings per year will help a rater gain and maintain proficiency. Beyond that, the number is a matter of personal preference.
Do Raters get paid?
No, all course raters are volunteers. However, the benefits do include lunch and a round of golf.
How do I get trained?
Studying the Course Rating System Guide™ creates your foundation as a rater. The training process involves a combination of webinar-based learning and then gaining on-site course rating experience by shadowing an experienced rater. Once you are ready to stand on your own, there is more support. Raters always work with a rating team, so experienced raters will always support you in the field.
Raters are encouraged to dress in golf attire and bring their own distance-measuring device (rangefinder laser) to each rating.
How does the rating process work?
Raters do not calculate the ratings. They gather the raw data used by the Course Rating System™ that calculates the Course Rating and Slope Rating. Raters evaluate the 10 Obstacle Factors that are used by the program. They include topography, fairway, green target, recoverability and rough, bunkers, crossing of penalty areas, lateral obstacles, trees, and green surface. On each hole, these factors are assigned a value between one and ten by the raters. The data is recorded on the rater’s worksheet called a Form One for scratch and bogey golfers.
Each tee set needs to be evaluated for male and female players. The team proceeds as golfers would play the hole, tee to green. They make their measurements and confer to reach a consensus on rating values before proceeding to the next hole. A rating takes about the same time it would take a foursome to play the golf course.